• Mon Setsuna lol Jadore

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  • L'ange Organique, Alexiel

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  • Ca y est, je vais mettre plein de photos de ce sublime manga... Dsl, je suis vraiment obligé..
    Voici Gabriel.. Ici en Femme: l est trop belle!

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    Et voilà THE manga: Angel Sanctaury!!
    Mon manga que jadore!!!!!
    Certes l'histoire est compliquée, tortuée ect mais kes kel est belle!!!!
    Pour faire simple (car jy reviendaris bien sur) elle parle des guerres intestines des anges (revoltes ect) et des enfers.
    L'histoire est basée sur l'amour impossible entre un frère et une soeur.. Setsuna Mudo et Sara Mudo.
    Magnifik est le grafisme, très recherché, sublime...
    Je mettrais par la suite un récit plus détaillé et plus complet..

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  • Angels

    Sparkling angel I believed
    you were my saviour

    in my time of need
    Blinded by faith I couldn't hear
    all the whispers, the warning so clear

    I see the angels,
    I'll lead them to your door
    There's no escape now,
    no mercy no more
    No remorse cause I still remember
    the smile when you tore me apart

    You took my heart,
    deceived me right from the start
    You showed me dreams,
    I wished they would turn into real
    You broke the promise and made me realise
    It was all just a lie

    Sparkling angel, I couldn't see
    your dark intentions, your feelings for me
    Fallen angel, tell me why?
    What is the reason, the thorn in your eye?

    I see the angels,
    I'll lead them to your door
    There's no escape now
    no mercy no more
    No remorse cause I still remember
    the smile when you tore me apart


    Could have been forever
    Now we have reached the end

    This world may have failed you
    it doesn't give you reason why
    You could have chosen a different path in life

    The smile when you tore me apart


    Could have been forever
    Now we have reached the end

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